
Month of MAR

Cellgroup - SONGS of Soloman
Date: June every FRI
Venue: EXPO Hall 1
Time: 7.45-10.30PM

Birthday Reminders!!
18th Jun - Jia Hui (Edmund's wife)
19th Jun - Edmund Tay (Zone Supervisor)

Cell Group Fund [cgf]
Do help SANTY
by passing your CG Fund to her on CG meetings and Service

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Holy Laughter @ W433

Hi Guys! Hope you all had a Great week!
here's to fill you in on what had happened in cg, for those who were not here...
[we really miss you! its like a part of our cg was not there!]

cg this week was cool! everyone was just so full of Faith!
[so next time when we said you are F.O.F. you know whats that! haha...]
We really hit it during Praise!
even though i was only playing the guitar 2nd time for cg
[playing the guit for cg its like a dream come true for me]
and we were clapping faster and faster...
though its not the perfect praise,
we kept praising God the best we can!
and then, some of us started laughing
by the time we ended praise...
all of us were deep in laughter
Oh Joys!
it went on and on and on! and we were all laughing in sync!
and i thought... hey! that's not normal giggling...
its Holy Laughter!
how cool can that be?!?
it really leave a deep impression on me
as it was the first time i experienced Holy Laughter in a cg meeting

and its not all the time we got to be weeping under God's presence
its not all the time we experience the goosebumps, to know God is there
its more than all these!
this week's cg meeting really show us that our God is so cool!
touching us in a different way!

so W433, lets really be excited and come with a heart of expectancy!

[let's NOT have worry warts, sorrow spells nor tired toes...
leave those things at home before coming yea?]
knowing God would touch us in a different way every week!
[as our God is Creative, Cool, and Awesome! Amen? (replies: AMEN!!!)]
Next week, when we enter Normanton Park, let's be ready for a another great move of God!

[Reply from w433: Amen!!!]

till next time...

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B. Edmund
D.O.B: 19th June
Zone Supervisor


D.O.B: 16th Febuary
Cell Group Ministry

D.O.B: 29th March
Kranji Secondary School
Usher Ministry

Alister Ong
D.O.B: 4th August
West Spring Secondary School

D.O.B: 25th January
NgeeAnn Poly

D.O.B: 5th July
Tamasek Poly
Usher Ministry

How Kit
D.O.B: 19th Febuary
Bartley Secondary School

D.O.B: 22nd November
Telok Kurau Secondary School

D.O.B: 15th Febuary
West Spring Secondary School

D.O.B: 19 sep 1992

Jun Bin
D.O.B: 21st October
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Usher Ministry

D.O.B: 29th March
Secondary School Usher Ministry

D.O.B: 4th August
JY Secondary School

D.O.B: 28th September
Fairfield Methodist Secondary School

D.O.B: 23rd May
Choir Ministry

Sing Qing
D.O.B: 13th April
NanYang Girls High School

Sing Xuan
D.O.B: 1st Febuary
Nan Hua High School

Ting Huan
D.O.B: 6th August
Nan Hua High School

Ting Jia
D.O.B: 23rd Dec
Clementi Town Secondary School

Photobucket Vanessa
D.O.B.: 30th July
Clementi Town Secondary School

26th January!
Kranji Secondary School! :DDDD