
Month of MAR

Cellgroup - SONGS of Soloman
Date: June every FRI
Venue: EXPO Hall 1
Time: 7.45-10.30PM

Birthday Reminders!!
18th Jun - Jia Hui (Edmund's wife)
19th Jun - Edmund Tay (Zone Supervisor)

Cell Group Fund [cgf]
Do help SANTY
by passing your CG Fund to her on CG meetings and Service

Monday, November 17, 2008

what a GREAT monday we have! people are resting at home but.......some of the w433ers are so on fire 4 God! the people came together and prayed at my place! supposed to start at 11 AM but some people are just sooooooooooooooo "early"...some even woke up late n the very first word she/he asked, "what time is it now?" and apparently the clock has striked 10.35AM! very good question to invite my screaming...haha! -don't let you know who..

Anyway, the PM was great!:) everyone of us prayed although there were only 6 of us but no matter how small the numbers are, God really moved when we came to a place of agreement!:)

we started off with reading the word of God n followed by sharing of the verses which impacted them most. so glad that almost everyone of us shared our revelation-junbing came LATE...as usual! after the revelational and heart-felt sharing, we moved on to our main objective and that is to pray for our upcoming Asia Conference, Arise&Build and Cell Group and the list goes on...
i remembered before we started praying, i told the rest about what pastor Kong said about praying specifically and in FOURth dimension and so we did it well! wow...
overall, i felt this PM really stirred the people to have greater passion for God and the friends in cell group. So, you out there who missed this PM, don't miss the next one again!!!!! junbing can testify for that!hahahah!:)

oh yeahh, we'll most likely have our next Amazing PM after the Asia Conference! will inform you again on the time and venue! let's get excited for it!:)

last but not least, we had fun after the PM today!-i realised that junbing eats aloooott!
here are some pictures taken after the PM...enjoy!!!^^

( the DNA of w433- ever excited!!)

Signing off here,

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B. Edmund
D.O.B: 19th June
Zone Supervisor


D.O.B: 16th Febuary
Cell Group Ministry

D.O.B: 29th March
Kranji Secondary School
Usher Ministry

Alister Ong
D.O.B: 4th August
West Spring Secondary School

D.O.B: 25th January
NgeeAnn Poly

D.O.B: 5th July
Tamasek Poly
Usher Ministry

How Kit
D.O.B: 19th Febuary
Bartley Secondary School

D.O.B: 22nd November
Telok Kurau Secondary School

D.O.B: 15th Febuary
West Spring Secondary School

D.O.B: 19 sep 1992

Jun Bin
D.O.B: 21st October
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Usher Ministry

D.O.B: 29th March
Secondary School Usher Ministry

D.O.B: 4th August
JY Secondary School

D.O.B: 28th September
Fairfield Methodist Secondary School

D.O.B: 23rd May
Choir Ministry

Sing Qing
D.O.B: 13th April
NanYang Girls High School

Sing Xuan
D.O.B: 1st Febuary
Nan Hua High School

Ting Huan
D.O.B: 6th August
Nan Hua High School

Ting Jia
D.O.B: 23rd Dec
Clementi Town Secondary School

Photobucket Vanessa
D.O.B.: 30th July
Clementi Town Secondary School

26th January!
Kranji Secondary School! :DDDD